Dead or Alive? See some bills that made it out of committee deadline

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Yesterday, March 3rd, was the committee deadline day.

Meaning this is the day that bills that have been introduced to both the House and the Senate and then assigned to their respected committees had to be discussed or brought to attention or were labeled as “dead.”

In total, since the beginning of the session 2,497 bills were introduced on both the House and the Senate side of the Capitol.

To get more specific, there were 1,590 on the House filed and 907 filled on the side of the Senate. Now, after Tuesday, 465 of the House bills are still alive – which is 29.5% of the total number and 327 of the Senate bills are considered alive, being 39% of the total number of bills originally filed.

Some more interesting stats:

  • House:
    • 331 Republican bills – 71% of all alive House bills
    • 113 Democratic bills – 24% of all alive House bills
    • 21 Independent bills – 5% of all alive House bills
  • Senate
    • 241 Republican bills – 74% of all alive Senate bills
    • 86 Democratic bills – 26% of all alive Senate bills

Some other bills that made it out alive that are interesting:

HB 551: An act to create the “Mississippi Seafood Marketing Law of 2020”

HB 450: To authorize the department of wildlife, fisheries, and parks to require annual chronic wasting disease testing of white-tailed deer harvested within any enclosure.

HB 1480: Act to provide that if a community or junior college visually or audibly publically advertise that the community or junior college can provide a career and technical education course, that community or junior college must include funding information.

SB 1202: The exempt from ad valorem taxation all motor vehicles while in the hands of a wrecker service or automobile repair service/business that are being held for sale as merchandise and which are not being operated upon the highways of this state.

SB 2204: To authorize off-duty use of municipal and county police vehicles by certain law enforcement officer engaging in private employment

SB 2717: To allow the operation of electric bikes by people at least 60 years olf in wildlife management areas under the jurisdiction of the department of wildlife, fisheries, and parks.

SB 2557: TO create the advocate confidentiality law

SB 2049: To revise certain definitions under the baby drop-off law.



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