Gov. Reeves concerned as MSDH reports 489 new COVID-19 cases

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The Mississippi State Department of Health is reporting 489 new cases of COVID-19.

The second-largest one-day rise in cases brings the states total up to 20,641. 938 Mississippians have now passed away from the virus following this mornings confirmation of 23 additional deaths.

*MSDH Note – 16 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths between May 23 and June 11 were identified from death certificate reports.

With the large rise in cases, Governor Tate Reeves took to Twitter to urge continued caution.

The number of hospitalizations also saw an increase in the latest report from the MSDH.

As of Monday, 15,323 Mississippians have recovered from COVID-19.

For more data, click here.

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