More cases of COVID-19 continue to be identified across Mississippi.
As of Monday, March 16, 2020, 289 individuals have been tested by the Mississippi State Department of Health Laboratory. 12 cases are positive.
The following is a breakdown by the Mississippi State Department of Health of all cases identified thus far.

Mississippi COVID-19 Case Map: Location for all cases where details are known.

COVID-19 Testing
Last week, the MSDH Public Health Laboratory began testing samples submitted by Mississippi physicians and healthcare providers in cases where COVID-19 is a possibility. Anyone with flu-like symptoms, especially those who are older or in poor health, should see a healthcare provider as a matter of general good health. Healthcare providers can assess individual cases which may need specific testing for COVID-19.
Prevention and Preparedness: For Individuals
Preventive measures against COVID-19 are the same as those for other respiratory viruses like the flu. To help prevent getting and spreading disease:
- Stay home if you are sick, and avoid close contact with anyone who is ill.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes. When possible, cough, sneeze or blow your nose into a tissue, and throw the tissue away.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing, blowing your nose, and using the bathroom. Effective handwashing takes about 20 seconds and includes cleaning under fingernails, between fingers, and washing the back of hands as well as the front. More proper handwashing tips »
- Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched often.
- Stay in good overall health by eating right and staying active. If you are living with diabetes, heart disease or other condition, keep in touch with your doctor and stay current with your treatment.
- During or before flu season, get a flu shot. Flu vaccination can prevent the flu or make it less severe, and decrease your chance of hospitalization and death. It also keeps you healthier and better able to fight off infections.
- If you are sick, especially with shortness of breath, cough, fever or similar flu-like symptoms, call a doctor or healthcare provider.
The post More COVID-19 cases identified in Mississippi appeared first on News Mississippi.