Over 1,800 new cases of COVID-19 reported this weekend

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Over the weekend, 1,809 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Mississippi.

On Saturday, an additional 1,017 cases were reported with 14 deaths. On Sunday, 792 new cases were reported with 10 additional deaths. This brings the state’s total, since March 11th, to 42,638. The total number of Mississippians who have lost their lives to the virus now stands at 1,355.

The Mississippi Department of Health also reported thathospitalizations for COVID-19 as well as ICU demand have increased sharply, a consequence of the state’s mounting COVID-19 cases.

Health officials say, with ICU capacity shrinking, the ability to handle the state’s routine medical care needs is now being hampered. Mississippians need to step up and take action to control COVID-19 and bring hospitalizations down to ensure the availability of care for everyone.

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