Record high 1,635 new COVID-19 cases confirmed by MSDH

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For the second straight day, the Mississippi State Department of Health is reporting a new one-day high in terms of COVID-19 cases with 1,635.

Todays report represents a significant increase following Mondays report of 1,251 cases. Mississippis total number of cases now rises to 45,524. 1,389 Mississippians have passed away from the virus following the confirmation of 31 additional deaths.

*MSDH Note – 5 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths occurred between June 30 and July 12, identified from death certificate reports.

Once again, hospitalizations and ICU bed usage each increased from the previous day.

The number of active outbreaks in Mississippi long-term care facilities has climbed back up to 154.

On Monday, State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs stated that we are “on the verge of pushing our system over its capacity as nine Mississippi hospitals have 0 ICU beds available with just one available among the states four largest medical centers.

Surge capacity plans have been activated across the state and elective surgeries have been restricted.

Mask mandates and stricter guidelines are now in place for 23 Mississippi counties with the statewide Safe Return order also remaining in effect.

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