Retired nurses, recent nursing graduates and other eligible nursing applicants to receive permit to help during health crisis

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The Mississippi Board of Nursing is enacting a temporary disaster permit to assist in the current healthcare needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This new guideline will allow retired nurses, recent nursing school graduates and other eligible nursing applicants to receive a 120-day permit that will allow them to work within their scope of practice and provide more healthcare service to patients across the State of Mississippi.

This action isone of several made by the Board in recent days as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal, as always, is to regulate the practice of nursing and promote exceptional healthcare services.

Beginning Friday, March 27, 2020, at 9 am, a nurse applying for the temporary permit will log onto the Boards website ( and enter their nurse gateway (NG) profile. If they do not have a profile, one will need to be completed to continue the process. Once in NG, a red banner on the homepage will provide details on applying for the permit.

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