Ricky Mathews: budget dispute is shameful and unnecessary

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Ricky Mathews, who is the host of The Coast Vue through the SuperTalk network, joined Fridays episode of The JT Show in order to provide his opinion on the budget dispute between Governor Tate Reeves and chamber leaders Delbert Hosemann and Philip Gunn.

They have created this constitutional crisis or whatever you want to call it at a moment in our history when we dont need it, Mathews said. We need our leaders to be on the same page.

Mathews blamed this unnecessary distraction on the elected officials refusing to communicate, pointing out that nothing like this occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

After Katrina, if we had to deal with issues like this, it would have gotten in the way of our recovery, Mathews said. [The] Bottom line here is this is not a storm that has come and gone. We are still sitting in the eye of it.

Hopefully, Reeves, Hosemann, and Gunn can quickly resolve their dispute and immediately start working towards dispersing money to the millions of Mississippians affected by COVID-19.

To hear the full interview with Mathews, check out the video below.

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