Senate Recap: 2/11/2020

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Today was a full day in the Senate. It started out strong with Senator Harkins, Chairman of the Finance committee, who brought up the bill, SB 2257.

This is a bill that essentially will give the State Auditor the power to audit tax returns of people receiving state benefits to see if they should be able to receive federal benefits. The auditor can not take people off of these benefits or state help but could give a report on their findings.

This bill was brought to the Senate finance committee, coincidentally the same day as Shad White, State Auditor, revealed the biggest embezzlement scheme in Mississippi State history.

As it was talked about in the Senate today, as one can imagine, there were many opinions and questions flying around the room. Senator John Harkins gave a brief description of the bill and what will happen if this is passed and what exactly the bill is asking for.

The bill was passed as amended and was then held on a motion to reconsider by Senator Horhn.

The vote for SB 2257 was 35 Yes and 15 No with Senator Kevin Blackwell and Senator Hob Bryan being absent.


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