Stennis Space Center had a hand in tomorrows SpaceX launch

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NASAs SpaceX launch was supposed to take place on Wednesday, however Mother Nature had other plans. The launch is now scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and Stennis Space Center Deputy Director Randy Galloway joined Rebecca Turner on Good Things to talk about the historic event.

This is the first time we are going to launch an American crew on an American rocket from American soil since July of 2011 when we had the last launch of the space shuttle program which was STS135, Galloway said while explaining the significance of the Space X launch. We have been flying American astronauts in space constantly since via 2000, but since about 2011, we have not been able to fly them on American rockets.

The rocket was built at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana before being tested at the Stennis Space Center in Hancock, Mississippi. The Stennis Space Center is the nations largest engine test complex.

The launch will take place tomorrow at 2:22 p.m. CDT and can be watched here. Click the video below to hear Galloways full interview, including the agencys ultimate goals with the SpaceX launch.

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